The Healer's Apothecary
Yew berry, Taxus baccata. Berries taken from tree in Moss Lane, Holme, 29/10/2017 Fruits produced from the female tree. Sacred tree to...
The Healer's Apothecary
Found in hedgerow 12/10/17 farm track, Holme Woody Nightshade, Solanum dulcamara, 'bittersweet, poisonberry, felonwood. Climbing...
The Healer's Apothecary
Found in hedgerow, Holme, Cumbria 12/10/17 Black Bryony, Tamus Communis, lady's seal, Devil's Tulip or Black bindweed. ...
Hyning Scout Wood
Lots of ancient trees to hug yesterday in Hyning Scout Wood; beech, sweet chestnut, sycamore and oak. 00,006 Beech Meanwhile, I've been...